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Upstream designs the Fitness Trainer and offers Nestlé’s friends their most personal workout

In March 2007, Nestlé’s Fitness cereals brand launched the Fitness Trainer, a new, totally interactive virtual training program, designed and implemented by Upstream. The campaign gives Fitness friends the opportunity to firm up and pursue their line goals for the summer.

In order to enjoy their personalized Fitness Trainer, participants have to fill invia Web or mobilethe unique code, found on the promotional packs of Nestlé cereals. Upon registration, users of the Trainer acquire a personal trainer, an animated character who instructs them with training routines.

As they submit more Fitness cereal pack codes, consumers gain access to more trainers and more work out programs. The Trainer is available 24/7 and is a daily personal training tool as it allows its users to track their progress.

The Fitness Trainer, from the first days of launch, enjoys high frequency of participation. Once more, Upstream offers Nestlé’s friends a useful and fun interactive Fitness journey.



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